Contact Us

Experiencing A Crisis?

If you are experiencing a psychatric or mental health emergency, please call 911, seek the closest Emergency Department, or call one of the following crisis resources.

Clinical & Support Options (CSO)

Greenfield/Franklin County: (413) 774-5411

Athol/North Quabbin: (978) 249-3141

Northampton/Hampshire County: (413) 586-5555

Center for Human Development (CHD)

Chicopee/Eastern Hampden County: (833) 243-8255

Behavioral Health Network (BHN)

Springfield & Westfield/Western Hampden County: (413) 301-9355

How To Become A Client

1. Email with your name, phone number, and any details you feel comfortable sharing over email. Remember, email is not HIPAA compliant, so we are unable to guarantee privacy for information shared here.  

2. If we believe one of us would be a good fit for you and your needs, we will send our Demographic and Insurance Collection Form. Otherwise, we will do our best to provide information for other therapists/practices who may be a better fit. 

3. After your chart is created, you will be sent a link to create an account through our practice portal. Within the portal, you will be able to sign your intake packet to sign electronically. Once this is complete, we will schedule our initial session together.